Thursday, July 27, 2006

Neighborly Bouquet & a Corner of my Home

Yesterday morning my hubby and I decided to make a fruit pizza for breakfast, for those of you who didn't make these every summer on vacation like I got to as a kid, here's the scoop:
I giant pizza sized sugar cookie
atleast half a tub of (lite) Cool Whip
as many berries and fruits as you can fit on the top!

Taadaa, fruit pizza! We each had 2 huge pieces with our coffee and realized the other 5 were not going to get eaten - way to much sugar and caffeine. So I ran them across the street to our friends who have 4 kids and they loved it! She brought me this sweet bouquet of flowers all from her yard as a thank you! Aren't they pretty?

They're on my kitchen table which is one of those high top tables, not sure how that will work someday when we have kiddos who require high chairs, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it! The painting in the background is one my mother in law painted for us, it's from the Il Bastardo wine label. She made a 2nd one with a twist that's for sale.



Funky Finds said...

sounds yummy...and beautiful flowers! happy weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.