Monday, October 01, 2007

Some songs to "Ad"

Have you seen the new Old Navy Commercial? The one where they are wearing the cute Fair Isle sweaters and the girl is singing "If you are chilly, here take my sweater" - Well I always love that song when it does come on. I found out who sings it, it's Ingrid Michaelson.

You can check her out here playing the whole song on Carson Daly: -btw, Carson Daly totally irritates me, don't know why but he just seems like a weenie to me. ;)

The other cool song in a commercial that I dig lately is Regina Spektor, a fav already, It's called "Music box".

Here's the whole thing:


Wannabe said...

The song Fidelity by Regina Spektor rocks too!

amanda said...

Yay! I love both of these commercials and have been looking for the artists!