Monday, April 07, 2008

Oh Baby!

Hi. Sleep? Who needs it when you can spend every waking minute with a cutie like this!! ;)
Mom, Dad and baby are adjusting to our new world. Thanks to all of you who have sent us the sweetest well wishes and girlie goodies, you are all too kind. I will send you each a note when Edyee decides to give me a few moments to do so. So far I think being a parent feels like an elite club membership that you don't "get" till you're already a member.
Here's my current To Do List:
Kiss & Coo
Sleep, a little
And I'm learning to Love it.
Hope you're all doing well!



Awww...she's adorable. That's great that everything's going well. And you're right, who needs sleep? :)

Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

She is absolutely gorgeous!! Congratulations! :)

amanda said...

Yay! She's beautiful! Don't you just love being a nursing momma? And don't worry - sleep will come soon! Either that or you just get used to it!

Congrats again!

lulusparkles said...

that is exactly as it should be...spending every minute with your lil pumpkin pie! I wanna squeeze her~xo

Funky Finds said...

what a doll! good to hear that you are all doing well. jessica

Lisa said...

congratulations!!! :) she is such a doll!!!!!