Friday, November 09, 2007

Girly Updates

Well, first off it's been a very exciting time around the "Mo" house as we learned on Halloween at our big ultrasound that not only does the baby look healthy and happy at the 21 week mark but we learned that the little bundle of joy coming into our lives will be a daughter! We are so elated and thrilled! We were initially quite shocked as we had convinced ourselves that we were having a boy, no scientific reason of course just boy heavy families, and we just figured it would be a boy. We would be equally please either way of course but I guess Mamma will get to make some pink baby goodies now!
Speaking of goodies, I will be updating the shop on the 14th, I'm not exactly sure what time yet but whatever new goodies I have made will go in the shop on Wednesday! I have more ideas than time however with a fairly busy weekend in front of me but whatever doesn't make it from my head to the sewing table then to the shop by Wed will most definitely make it in the shop before December!
I hope everyone is having a nice November so far, I can't believe Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away. BTW, I've been craving stuffing since like August! This babe is gonna LOVE turkey day! ;)


Funky Finds said...

congratulations again mary!

Wannabe said...

AHHHHHH! Congrats! Everyone I know that's preggers is having a girl! I'm so excited for you! I thought Syd was a boy too. They had to take pics of the nether regions for me and show me all the "bits" to have me actually believe I was having a girl. ;)

amanda said...

Yay! Congratulations! You will have such fun making pretty pink things!