Friday, June 23, 2006

Totally smitten with Fiona Apple

So my hubby introduced me to her new album Extraordinary Machine before it was actually out and I listened to it a time or 2 and then sort of forgot about it. Anywho, we saw her on Jimmy Kimmel recently and now I'm listening to her again and I have to say this is now one of my favorite albums. I love her style and I really have fun singing to her songs (poorly I might add) while I'm sewing! Ahhh, that is so nerdy - but I may have to name a bag after or something.

So the reason for this picture... I LOVE that dress!! It is sooooo perfect! Gorgeous!

1 comment:

Wannabe said...

Okay. Seriously. Seeing this picture just makes me want to sing....I've been a bad, bad girl...I've been careless with a delicate man....

LURVE the Fiona.