Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Look who made the cover of her Magazine, again!

So maybe I'm the only female who isn't a fan of Oprah. She seems nice enough I guess but I feel like very time I happen across her show for a moment (which is maybe 2 times a year really) It's a bunch of woman going way overboard in their excitement level of a celebrity like Tom Cruise and his love for his young enough to be his daughter girlfriend, or when Julia Roberts was prego with twins the crowd was balling and screaming - you'd think Elvis showed up or something. Ladies, people have twins all the time - why don't I find it the least bit interesting that Julia Roberts had twins - Big Whoop!
Anyway, I saw this mag at Vitamin Cottage and it cracked me up, why is SHE always on the cover of her magazine? Maybe she figures it's better than James Frey.

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